Sunday, October 26, 2008

the way of the shepherds and magi

Read Matthew 2:1-12 and Luke 2:8-20

1. What is the story of the shepherds? Tell it in your own words. What does it mean to us? What can we learn from it (how was their way along with or in opposition to the Way)?

2. What is the story of the magi? Tell it in your own words. What does it mean to us? What can we learn from it (how was their way along with or in opposition to the Way)?

3. The shepherds left their fields. The magi left their country. What might you have to leave to really meet Christ? Will you go back? What will change in your life if you do go back? Are you willing to do this?

4. I don't think the shepherds and magi understood exactly what was meant by Christ's coming. What do you think they thought? What was really meant by Christ's coming? Does it make you more or less inclined to bow before Him, to bring Him your precious gifts?

5. Just for fun: do you consider yourself a shepherd or a magi? Why?

6. The shepherds and magi adjusted their way to briefly observe another (at the very least). Do you think that their lives changed after that night? These questions (maybe short of number five) culminate here. Will you allow Christ to change your life? Can you do more than observe His Way and ask Him to change your way (your habits and comforts, your efforts and best laid plans, your sins and victories) to join His?

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